Should Star Wars Focus More on Standalone Character Films Like Solo? A Debate

Solo: A Star Wars Story was released in 2018 as part of the Star Wars anthology series, a set of standalone films exploring stories outside the main episodic saga. While the movie offered fans an origin story for the beloved character Han Solo, its reception was mixed, leading to questions about the future of similar Star Wars projects. This article debates whether Lucasfilm should continue producing standalone character-driven films or focus on broader narratives.

The Case for More Standalone Films

  1. Character Depth and Exploration:
    Solo provided a deeper dive into Han Solo’s background, something that wouldn’t have been possible in the main saga films. Standalone movies allow for richer character development, offering fans a more nuanced understanding of their favorite characters. These films can explore the motivations, struggles, and growth of characters in a way that episodic films, with their larger, galaxy-spanning plots, cannot.
  2. Expanding the Universe:
    By focusing on individual characters, standalone films can explore lesser-known aspects of the Star Wars universe. Rogue One, for example, expanded on the story behind the Death Star plans, introducing new characters and locales that enriched the overall lore. Similar films could continue to explore the galaxy’s vast history, different species, and diverse cultures, making the universe feel even more expansive.
  3. Creative Freedom:
    Standalone films offer directors and writers more creative freedom to experiment with tone, style, and narrative. Solo, with its heist-film vibe, differed from the traditional Star Wars formula. Future films could explore different genres within the Star Wars framework, attracting new audiences and keeping the franchise fresh and innovative.

The Case Against More Standalone Films

  1. Risk of Over-Saturation:
    One of the criticisms following the release of Solo was that it contributed to Star Wars fatigue, with fans feeling overwhelmed by the rapid release of new content. Standalone films, if not carefully planned and executed, could lead to over-saturation, diluting the impact of the franchise. Instead of focusing on multiple character spin-offs, some argue that Lucasfilm should prioritize fewer, high-quality films that maintain the saga’s epic scale.
  2. Mixed Box Office Success:
    Solo underperformed at the box office compared to other Star Wars films, raising concerns about the commercial viability of standalone stories. This financial risk makes it challenging for Lucasfilm to justify investing in similar projects. Critics suggest that the focus should remain on blockbuster films that draw large audiences, ensuring the long-term financial health of the franchise.
  3. Potential for Canon Conflicts:
    Standalone films, by diving deep into specific characters or events, run the risk of creating conflicts with existing canon. Ensuring consistency across the vast Star Wars timeline is a significant challenge. If not handled carefully, standalone stories could contradict established lore, leading to confusion and dissatisfaction among fans.

Conclusion: A Balanced Approach?

The debate over whether there should be more standalone Star Wars films like Solo is complex. On one hand, these films offer a unique opportunity to explore characters and stories in depth, contributing to the richness of the Star Wars universe. On the other, the risks of over-saturation, mixed box office performance, and potential canon issues cannot be ignored.

Perhaps the future of Star Wars lies in a balanced approach: continuing to produce epic saga films while occasionally releasing carefully selected standalone stories that add value to the franchise. By doing so, Lucasfilm can cater to both hardcore fans who crave more detailed explorations of the galaxy and general audiences seeking grand, cinematic adventures.

As the Star Wars franchise continues to evolve, the question of whether to produce more films like Solo will remain a pivotal point of discussion. Fans and creators alike will need to weigh the benefits and challenges to determine the best path forward for one of the most beloved franchises in cinematic history.

This debate highlights the potential directions the Star Wars franchise could take, reflecting both opportunities and challenges as it continues to expand its universe.

The Legend of the Dark Saber: A Tale of Power and Betrayal

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, there was a weapon that held immense power and significance. It was known as the Dark Saber, a legendary lightsaber with a history as old as the Jedi Order itself.

The story of the Dark Saber begins with its creation by a Mandalorian Jedi named Tarre Vizsla. He forged the saber during the peak of the Old Republic and used it to unite his people. But as time passed, the saber was lost and fell into the hands of many, each with their own agenda.

The Dark Saber resurfaced in the hands of Pre Vizsla, the leader of the Death Watch, a terrorist organization seeking to overthrow the peaceful government of Mandalore. Pre Vizsla wielded the saber in his fight against the Jedi, but he was ultimately defeated and killed by Darth Maul, the Sith Lord who had taken over Mandalore.

But Darth Maul’s reign over Mandalore was short-lived, as he was overthrown by the former Sith apprentice, Darth Sidious, during the events of the Clone Wars. The Dark Saber was lost once again, until it resurfaced years later in the hands of a bounty hunter named Din Djarin, also known as the Mandalorian.

The Mandalorian was tasked with returning the Dark Saber to its rightful owner, Bo-Katan Kryze, the leader of the Mandalorian resistance. But there was a catch: according to Mandalorian tradition, the Dark Saber could only be won in combat. So, in order for Bo-Katan to take possession of the saber, she would have to defeat Din Djarin in battle.

This led to a dramatic showdown in which Din Djarin and Bo-Katan fought for the right to wield the Dark Saber. In the end, Din Djarin emerged victorious, but he did not want the saber. He knew that it held too much power and that it should be in the hands of someone who could use it for the greater good.

The story of the Dark Saber is one of power, betrayal, and redemption. It has been passed down through the ages, from one generation to the next, and it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of Star Wars fans around the world.

But the Dark Saber is not just a weapon. It is a symbol of the struggle between the light and the dark side of the Force. It represents the conflict that exists within us all, the battle between our desires and our conscience. It reminds us that power can corrupt, but it can also be used for good.

In the end, it is up to us to decide how we will use the power that we have. Will we use it to conquer and dominate, or will we use it to protect and serve? The Dark Saber serves as a reminder that the choice is ours to make.

As we reflect on the legend of the Dark Saber, let us remember the lessons that it teaches us. Let us strive to use our power for good, and let us never forget that the light can triumph over the darkness.

May the Force be with you.

List of Star Wars Books that Follow Canon to get you started

If you’re a Star Wars fan looking to dive deeper into the universe, reading Star Wars books is a great way to do so. However, with so many books out there, it can be difficult to know which ones are considered canon. In this article, we will provide a list of Star Wars books that follow canon.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that in 2014, Disney announced that the Star Wars expanded universe, which included many books, comics, and games, was no longer considered canon. Instead, a new canon was established, which includes the movies, TV shows, and select books and comics that fit into the new continuity. The books listed below are all part of this new canon.<h2>Star Wars: The High Republic</h2> The High Republic is a new publishing initiative set 200 years before the events of the prequel trilogy. The initiative includes novels, comics, and children’s books, and explores the Jedi Order and the Republic during a time of peace and prosperity. The novels in the initiative are as follows:

  • Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule
  • The Rising Storm by Cavan Scott
  • Into the Dark by Claudia Gray
  • The Fallen Star by Claudia Gray
  • Out of the Shadows by Justina Ireland
  • Mission to Disaster by Justina Ireland (children’s book)
  • Race to Crashpoint Tower by Daniel José Older (children’s book)

<h2>Thrawn Trilogy</h2> The Thrawn Trilogy, written by Timothy Zahn, takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi and follows Grand Admiral Thrawn, a strategic genius who serves as the main antagonist. The trilogy consists of:

  • Thrawn
  • Thrawn: Alliances
  • Thrawn: Treason

<h2>Aftermath Trilogy</h2> The Aftermath Trilogy, written by Chuck Wendig, takes place in the aftermath of the Battle of Endor and the fall of the Empire. The trilogy consists of:

  • Aftermath
  • Aftermath: Life Debt
  • Aftermath: Empire’s End

<h2>Other Canon Novels</h2> In addition to the above trilogies, there are many other Star Wars novels that follow canon. Here are some notable examples:

  • Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray, which follows Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi before the events of The Phantom Menace [1]
  • Dark Disciple by Christie Golden, which follows the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress after the events of The Clone Wars [3]
  • Bloodline by Claudia Gray, which follows Leia Organa six years before the events of The Force Awakens [2]
  • Lost Stars by Claudia Gray, which follows two childhood friends who find themselves on opposite sides of the Galactic Civil War [2]
  • Alphabet Squadron Trilogy by Alexander Freed, which follows a group of pilots hunting down a rogue Imperial faction after the fall of the Empire [2]

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the Star Wars books that follow canon, but it should give you a good starting point. Happy reading!

How to Set Up a Star Wars Themed Aquarium

If you’re a Star Wars fan, you might want to consider setting up a Star Wars themed aquarium. It’s a fun way to add some sci-fi flair to your home while also creating a unique habitat for your aquatic pets. In this article, we’ll go through the steps needed to create a Star Wars inspired aquarium.

<h2>Step 1: Choose Your Theme</h2>

The first step to creating a Star Wars themed aquarium is to choose your theme. You could go for a more general Star Wars theme or choose to focus on a specific location or scene from the movies. Some popular options include the ice planet Hoth, the forest moon of Endor, or the underwater city of Otoh Gunga.

<h2>Step 2: Gather Your Materials</h2>

Once you’ve chosen your theme, it’s time to gather your materials. You’ll need an aquarium tank, filtration system, lighting, substrate, decorations, and of course, aquatic plants and fish. For a Star Wars themed aquarium, you’ll also want to include some themed decorations such as miniature spaceships, characters, or props.

<h2>Step 3: Set Up Your Tank</h2>

Now it’s time to set up your tank. Start by placing your substrate, whether it’s sand or gravel, at the bottom of the tank. Then, add any rocks, driftwood, or other decorations you have chosen. Make sure to leave plenty of open swimming space for your fish.

Next, add your filtration system and heater, and fill the tank with water. Let the water sit for at least 24 hours before adding any plants or fish to allow the water to stabilize.

<h2>Step 4: Add Your Themed Decorations</h2>

Once your tank is set up and stable, it’s time to add your Star Wars themed decorations. These could include miniature spaceships, characters, or props that fit your chosen theme. You could even create a diorama using sand, rocks, and other decorations to recreate a specific scene from the movies.

<h2>Step 5: Choose Your Aquatic Plants and Fish</h2>

Now it’s time to choose the plants and fish for your aquarium. Aquatic plants are a great addition to any aquarium as they help to oxygenate the water and provide hiding places for your fish. Some good options for a Star Wars themed aquarium include java moss and Anubias, which can be attached to rocks or decorations.

When it comes to choosing fish, make sure to select species that are compatible with each other and with the size of your tank. Some good options for a Star Wars themed aquarium could include:

  • Yoda Goby: This species has a greenish-yellow color that resembles Yoda’s skin tone.
  • Tatooine Darter: These fish have a sand-colored body and fins, resembling the desert planet of Tatooine.
  • Darth Vader Guppy: These black and red guppies resemble the iconic villain’s costume

<h2>Step 6: Maintain Your Tank</h2>

Once your Star Wars themed aquarium is set up, it’s important to maintain it properly to keep your aquatic pets happy and healthy. This includes regular water changes, cleaning the tank, and monitoring the water parameters to ensure they are within a healthy range for your fish.


Setting up a Star Wars themed aquarium can be a fun and creative project for any Star Wars fan. By following these steps and using your imagination, you can create a unique and visually stunning aquarium that your aquatic pets will love to call home. Just remember to do your research, choose compatible species, and maintain your tank properly to ensure its long-term success. May the force be with you!

[1] [[2]

Kael Sorin

Appearance: Kael is a tall, lean man with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears a black and gray armored suit that enhances his physical abilities and is equipped with various gadgets and weapons.

Background: Kael Sorin was born on Coruscant during the Clone Wars. He was found to be Force-sensitive at a young age and was taken in by the Jedi Order. However, Kael’s pragmatic nature clashed with the traditional teachings of the Jedi. He found the reliance on lightsabers to be limiting and inefficient, especially in the face of modern technology.

Kael preferred to rely on his wits and his mastery of cutting-edge technology to outmaneuver his opponents. He studied everything he could get his hands on, from weapons design to cybernetic enhancements. Kael’s interest in technology made him an outsider among the Jedi, who viewed his pragmatism as a lack of faith in the Force.

When Order 66 was issued, Kael was away from the Jedi Temple on a mission. He heard about the massacre of the Jedi Order and knew he had to stay hidden to survive. Kael used his knowledge of technology to stay off the grid, living on the fringes of society and avoiding detection. He spent his time reading and researching, always looking for new ways to improve his skills.

Personality: Kael is a practical and no-nonsense individual. He values results above all else and isn’t afraid to take risks to achieve his goals. While he respects the Jedi and their teachings, he believes in using every tool at his disposal to accomplish his objectives.

Appearance: Kael is a tall, lean man with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He wears a black and gray armored suit that enhances his physical abilities and is equipped with various gadgets and weapons.

Abilities: Kael is a skilled fighter and marksman. He is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and a variety of ranged weapons, from blasters to explosives. He is also highly skilled in hacking and electronic warfare, using his knowledge of technology to gain an edge in battle.

Ship: Kael flies a heavily modified A-wing fighter, equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and weapons systems. The ship’s engines have been upgraded to provide incredible speed and maneuverability.

Goals: Kael’s ultimate goal is to use his skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the galaxy. He believes that technology can be a force for good if used responsibly and wants to use his abilities to help those in need.

Enemies: Kael’s pragmatic approach to the Force has made him enemies among both the Jedi and the Sith. He has also crossed paths with various criminal organizations and mercenary groups in his travels.

Allies: Kael has few allies, but those he does have are loyal to him. He has worked with various rebels, smugglers, and bounty hunters in the past and is always on the lookout for potential allies who share his goals.

Story: Kael Sorin’s story begins in the aftermath of Order 66. With the Jedi Order destroyed, Kael found himself without a purpose. He spent years living in the shadows, honing his skills and waiting for an opportunity to make a difference.

One day, Kael received a message from a group of rebels who were fighting against the Empire. They needed someone with his skills to help them take down an Imperial weapons facility that was producing a new type of battle droid. Kael saw this as an opportunity to make a real impact and agreed to help.

Kael and the rebels launched a daring assault on the facility, using Kael’s knowledge of technology to bypass the defenses. They encountered heavy resistance from the Imperial forces, but Kael’s marksmanship and hand-to-hand combat skills proved invaluable in the fight. In the end, they succeeded in destroying the facility and dealing a blow to the Empire’s war machine.

From that day on, Kael became a valuable asset to the rebels,

The Mysterious Saber-for-Hire: Meet Lirien Rane

Vayne was a tall and imposing figure, with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. His jet-black hair was slicked back, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to sparkle with an otherworldly energy. He wore a long, dark cloak that flowed behind him as he walked, and he carried a lightsaber at his side.

In a galaxy far, far away, on a planet shrouded in darkness, lived a mysterious and elusive figure known only as Lirien Rane. Many rumors circulated about this enigmatic figure, but one thing was certain: he was a force to be reckoned with.

Lirien was a tall and imposing figure, with broad shoulders and a muscular frame. His jet-black hair was slicked back, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to sparkle with an otherworldly energy. He wore a long, dark cloak that flowed behind him as he walked, and he carried a lightsaber at his side.

Lirien was not a Jedi, nor was he a Sith. He was something else entirely: a saber-for-hire, a mercenary who used his unique skills and abilities to take on jobs for the highest bidder. He had no allegiance to any particular faction or organization, and he had a reputation for being absolutely ruthless in his pursuit of his goals.

Some said that Lirien had once been a Jedi, but that he had been expelled from the Order for his extreme methods. Others claimed that he had once been a Sith apprentice, but that he had betrayed his master and gone rogue. Still others believed that he was something altogether different, a being who had tapped into the Force in a way that no one else could understand.

Whatever the truth of his origins, Lirien was a formidable opponent. He was skilled in both lightsaber combat and hand-to-hand combat, and he had a keen intellect that allowed him to outmaneuver even the most cunning of adversaries. He was also an expert in infiltration and assassination, and he had a talent for slipping in and out of places undetected.

Despite his reputation as a ruthless killer, however, Lirien had a code of honor that he lived by. He never took on jobs that involved harming innocent people, and he had a particular distaste for slavers and other criminals who preyed on the weak. He had been known to take on jobs to rescue hostages, or to protect a group of refugees from harm.

Despite his aloofness and his tendency to work alone, Lirien had a small circle of friends and allies who knew him well. These included a few former Jedi and Sith, as well as a handful of bounty hunters and smugglers who respected his abilities and his code of honor.

As for his ultimate goals and motivations, no one could say for certain. Some believed that he was simply a hired gun, working for whoever paid him the most credits. Others thought that he was searching for something, some kind of greater purpose or meaning in life. Whatever his reasons, one thing was certain: Lirien Rane was a force to be reckoned with, and he was not to be taken lightly.

Exploring the Rainbow: A Guide to Different Lightsaber Colors

Lightsabers are one of the most iconic weapons in the Star Wars universe, and they come in a variety of colors. The colors of a lightsaber can represent many things, including the Jedi or Sith affiliation, personal significance, and even the type of crystal used to construct the blade. In this article, we will explore the different colors of lightsabers and what they represent.

Blue Lightsabers Blue lightsabers are typically associated with the Jedi Order. This color represents calmness, protection, and trust. Jedi who wield blue lightsabers are often known for their wisdom, loyalty, and strategic thinking. Some of the most famous Jedi who wielded a blue lightsaber include Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Green Lightsabers Green lightsabers are often associated with Jedi who have a strong connection to the Force. This color represents growth, healing, and balance. Jedi who wield a green lightsaber are often known for their intuition and ability to connect with the living Force. Some of the most famous Jedi who wielded a green lightsaber include Yoda and Qui-Gon Jinn.

Red Lightsabers Red lightsabers are typically associated with the Sith Order. This color represents power, anger, and fear. Sith who wield a red lightsaber are often known for their aggression and willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Some of the most famous Sith who wielded a red lightsaber include Darth Vader and Darth Maul.

Purple Lightsabers Purple lightsabers are often associated with Jedi who have a unique connection to the Force. This color represents a blend of red and blue, symbolizing the balance between the light and dark sides of the Force. Jedi who wield a purple lightsaber are often known for their independent thinking and creativity. One of the most famous Jedi who wielded a purple lightsaber is Mace Windu.

Yellow Lightsabers Yellow lightsabers are often associated with the Jedi Temple Guard, who protect the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This color represents caution, serenity, and steadfastness. Jedi who wield a yellow lightsaber are often known for their patience and attention to detail. In recent years, yellow lightsabers have also been associated with Jedi who focus on the study of the Force and ancient Jedi teachings.

White Lightsabers White lightsabers are often associated with Jedi who have been purified from the dark side of the Force. This color represents purity, clarity, and a new beginning. Jedi who wield a white lightsaber are often known for their inner strength and ability to overcome great adversity.

Black Lightsabers Black lightsabers are a relatively rare color and are often associated with the Mandalorian warriors. This color represents power, strength, and determination. Mandalorians who wield a black lightsaber are often known for their unwavering resolve and fierce independence. One of the most famous black lightsabers is the Darksaber, which was created by the first Mandalorian Jedi.

In conclusion, the color of a lightsaber can reveal a great deal about the character who wields it. From the blue lightsabers of the Jedi to the red lightsabers of the Sith, each color has its own unique symbolism and meaning. Whether you are a Jedi, a Sith, or a Mandalorian warrior, the color of your lightsaber can represent who you are and what you stand for.

Rhi Krosa

Meet Rhi Krosa, a fierce and cunning Twi’lek bounty hunter who roams the galaxy in search of her next big score. Rhi’s striking appearance is marked by her striking blue skin, which is contrasted by the crimson red tattoos that adorn her face and arms. Her lithe and agile physique belies her incredible strength, and she is not one to be underestimated.

Meet Rhi Krosa, a fierce and cunning Twi’lek bounty hunter who roams the galaxy in search of her next big score. Rhi’s striking appearance is marked by her striking blue skin, which is contrasted by the crimson red tattoos that adorn her face and arms. Her lithe and agile physique belies her incredible strength, and she is not one to be underestimated.

Rhi grew up on the Twi’lek homeworld of Ryloth, where she learned to survive by any means necessary. As a child, she quickly learned how to fend for herself in the harsh environment, and eventually turned to a life of bounty hunting as a way to make a living.

Over the years, Rhi has developed a reputation as one of the most skilled and ruthless bounty hunters in the galaxy. She is highly sought after by crime lords, and her services do not come cheap. But despite her fearsome reputation, Rhi has a strict code of honor that she adheres to. She never takes a job that involves innocent civilians, and she always finishes what she starts.

Rhi’s weapon of choice is a customized blaster pistol that she has modified to suit her specific needs. It is highly accurate and packs a powerful punch, making it the perfect tool for taking down her targets. But Rhi is also highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and she is not afraid to get up close and personal if the situation demands it.

Although she is a loner by nature, Rhi occasionally teams up with other bounty hunters if the job requires it. However, she always makes it clear that she is in charge, and she doesn’t take kindly to anyone who tries to challenge her authority.

Rhi’s ultimate goal is to become the most successful bounty hunter in the galaxy, and she will stop at nothing to achieve it. Whether she’s hunting down a notorious criminal or fending off a group of attackers, Rhi is always up for a challenge. And with her skills and determination, there’s no doubt that she will become a legendary figure in the Star Wars universe.

Understanding the Difference between Star Wars Canon and Legends

Star Wars is a massive universe that spans across numerous books, comics, TV shows, and movies. Over the years, there have been two different canons that have been established: Star Wars canon and Star Wars Legends. While both of these are related to the same universe, there are some key differences between them.

Star Wars canon refers to the official storyline of the Star Wars universe. This storyline includes all the movies, TV shows, books, and comics that have been released since April 2014. This is known as the “Disney canon” because it was established after Disney purchased the rights to the Star Wars franchise. The goal of the Disney canon is to create a unified and consistent story across all media. This means that all the stories in the Disney canon are considered to be official and are considered to be part of the same continuity.

On the other hand, Star Wars Legends refers to the storylines that were established before the Disney acquisition. This includes all the books, comics, and games that were released between 1976 and 2014. These stories were considered part of the Star Wars universe, but they were not considered to be part of the official continuity. This meant that while the stories were still enjoyable, they were not considered to be official or part of the “real” Star Wars story.

There are many differences between Star Wars canon and Star Wars Legends. One of the biggest differences is that the canon has a much more unified storyline. While Legends had many different storylines and characters, the Disney canon is much more streamlined. This means that the stories are more cohesive, and the characters are more closely connected to each other. Another big difference is that the canon has a much more diverse cast of characters. While Legends had many strong female characters, the Disney canon has made a concerted effort to include even more female and diverse characters.

Another key difference between the two is that the Disney canon has more of a focus on world-building. The Disney canon has created many new planets, species, and factions, and has done a lot of work to make the Star Wars universe feel more realistic and detailed. Legends, on the other hand, focused more on telling interesting and exciting stories, without worrying too much about the world-building.

In conclusion, while both Star Wars canon and Star Wars Legends are part of the same universe, there are some key differences between them. The Disney canon is the official continuity of the Star Wars universe, while Legends is a collection of stories that are still enjoyable but not considered official. The Disney canon has a more unified storyline and a more diverse cast of characters, while Legends is more focused on telling interesting and exciting stories. Overall, both are important parts of the Star Wars universe, and fans can enjoy both for their own unique strengths.

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