Understanding the Difference between Star Wars Canon and Legends

Star Wars is a massive universe that spans across numerous books, comics, TV shows, and movies. Over the years, there have been two different canons that have been established: Star Wars canon and Star Wars Legends. While both of these are related to the same universe, there are some key differences between them.

Star Wars canon refers to the official storyline of the Star Wars universe. This storyline includes all the movies, TV shows, books, and comics that have been released since April 2014. This is known as the “Disney canon” because it was established after Disney purchased the rights to the Star Wars franchise. The goal of the Disney canon is to create a unified and consistent story across all media. This means that all the stories in the Disney canon are considered to be official and are considered to be part of the same continuity.

On the other hand, Star Wars Legends refers to the storylines that were established before the Disney acquisition. This includes all the books, comics, and games that were released between 1976 and 2014. These stories were considered part of the Star Wars universe, but they were not considered to be part of the official continuity. This meant that while the stories were still enjoyable, they were not considered to be official or part of the “real” Star Wars story.

There are many differences between Star Wars canon and Star Wars Legends. One of the biggest differences is that the canon has a much more unified storyline. While Legends had many different storylines and characters, the Disney canon is much more streamlined. This means that the stories are more cohesive, and the characters are more closely connected to each other. Another big difference is that the canon has a much more diverse cast of characters. While Legends had many strong female characters, the Disney canon has made a concerted effort to include even more female and diverse characters.

Another key difference between the two is that the Disney canon has more of a focus on world-building. The Disney canon has created many new planets, species, and factions, and has done a lot of work to make the Star Wars universe feel more realistic and detailed. Legends, on the other hand, focused more on telling interesting and exciting stories, without worrying too much about the world-building.

In conclusion, while both Star Wars canon and Star Wars Legends are part of the same universe, there are some key differences between them. The Disney canon is the official continuity of the Star Wars universe, while Legends is a collection of stories that are still enjoyable but not considered official. The Disney canon has a more unified storyline and a more diverse cast of characters, while Legends is more focused on telling interesting and exciting stories. Overall, both are important parts of the Star Wars universe, and fans can enjoy both for their own unique strengths.

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